10 WORST Ways Video Games Took Away Your Favourite Powers

1. X Gives Up His Weapons & Armour To Avoid Abusing His Powers - Mega Man X Series

Mega Man X

Similarly to the Metroid games, the Mega Man franchise has largely forced its titular protagonist to start each game from scratch arsenal-wise, re-acquiring weapons over the course of the game leading up to an epic final confrontation.

This is also true in the various Mega Man spin-off franchises, though in the case of Mega Man X, there have been occasional attempts to hand-wave protagonist X starting anew in each subsequent game.

It's implied that X discards each new set of weapons and armour at the end of a given adventure to avoid becoming corrupted by its massive power.

As far as excuses go, it's pretty damn soft, but equipment re-acquisition is also enough of an accepted trope at this point that fans are largely happy to go along with it, logic be-damned.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.