10 Worst Weapons In Horror Video Games
8. The Evil Within - Matches

The Evil Within is a survival horror franchise that strives to blend grim and gory confrontational horror with more thoughtful, complicated, mind-bending unease.
From a gameplay standpoint, however, The Evil Within offers the Agony Crossbow and some very standard fare in terms of weapons. Castellanos’ matches, both weapon and tool, can take down standard enemies immediately, but are frustratingly difficult to use effectively.
Essentially, they’re the player’s way to ensure that foes are actually dead.
As per Resident Evil’s remake, enemy bodies can be burnt to eradicate them for good. Castellanos’ matches perform this function here, but can only be use on grounded, struggling foes or those preparing a sneaky ambush.
They’re capable of tremendous damage, but foes must be lured to bodies to take advantage of the fire. It can be a real pain, opportunities to do it are rare, and matches themselves even rarer.