10 Worst Weapons In Horror Video Games
9. Silent Hill 4: The Room - The Paper-Cutting Knife

By contrast, Silent Hill has never been a franchise to focus on all-out action (generally). The horror here is of a more insidious, psychological kind.
The monsters protagonists battle here tend to be of a symbolic sort, grotesque manifestations of their guilt, sadness, desire and more.
Regardless, they are no less real from a gameplay standpoint, and can be warded off the old-fashioned way (at least, some of them can): with a selection of melee and projectile weapons. One of these is the classic knife, a standard starter weapon in titles from across the gaming spectrum.
Silent Hill 4: The Room features perhaps the worst take on this weapon in the series. The Paper-Cutting Knife is located very early on in the Hospital World, super weak and already obsolete.
Its speedy attacks allow it to get the better of the occasional lone enemy, but try to engage a group with this and you’ll be torn apart.