Boy did the fans of the Sacred series hate this game with a burning passion or what? Sacred 3 departed from everything fans of the series had come to love - action RPGs similar in tune to the Diablo series. What they were given in this game however, was a four player hack-and-slash, beat-em-up style game with a heavy departure from its RPG elements - there's not even a loot system in the game. The game currently has a 51 out of 100 from critics and a 4.1 out of 10 from fans on Metacritic. A game so widely panned by critics and gamers alike seemed like such a great game to give away right? A former developer even went so far as to openly apologize to fans for the game they received. While this disappointment may have hit home with a lot of Sacred series fans, the casual gamer probably hadn't heard of the series before. Even as this game was a fresh experience for some players, the gameplay itself just once again let down everyone who touched it. It was nothing more than a repetitive beat-em-up with watered down features. There's a lot of people who more than likely didn't even download the game, seeing it as only an "RPG" with little to nothing to offer. It's shocking that a game so widely hated was given away as a gift. While the game certainly isn't worth much currency it may have been the only way to get people playing it. Regardless, it left nothing but a sour taste in everyone's mouth.