10 Wrestlers Who Were Cut From Video Games

1. WWF Attitude - Blue Blazer

Chris benoit

WWF Attitude, even with its mixed reception with critics, has a special place in the hearts of fans who experienced the titular boom period first hand. The game engine worked well enough that Acclaim managed to reuse it for two ECW titles: Hardcore Revolution and Anarchy Rulz [sic].

WWF Attitude, in line with the rest of the world of wrestling, was rocked and changed by the tragic death of Owen Hart. Hart was featured in the game, unlike modern WWE products which are unable to use his likeness due to legal disputes. However, his inclusion affected Attitude in various ways.

Owen was a playable character, yet his Blue Blazer gimmick from the time was cut completely. This is understandable due to the portrayal of the character being a key factor in the stunt which took Hart's life. Also, though Hart was a heel when he passed, programmers reconfigured him as a face to avoid the digital crowd booing the tragic superstar. These changes and devastating circumstances pushed the game's release date back.

The final product came with a dedication to Hart, though between the N64 and Playstation's August release dates and the Dreamcast's November premier, this was removed due to the Hart Family's wrongful death lawsuit.

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Chris Benoit
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.