10 Wrestlers Who Were Cut From Video Games

3. WWE 2K16 - Hulk Hogan

Chris benoit

In spite of WWE 2K16 boasting 120 unique playable characters, one of wrestling's biggest stars was not among the throng. Though Hulk Hogan was initially advertised as appearing on the digital roster, he was cut late into development due to the personal controversy of the man behind wrestling's most recognisable gimmick.

The National Enquirer and Radar Online released Hogan's cringeworthy sex tape, which despite being deeply uncomfortable was not the source of the controversy. As part of the recording, Hogan's rant about daughter Brooke dating a black man revealed his repulsive views around race. He was exposed nonchalantly throwing racial slurs around and admitting to being "a racist, to a point." Numerous black colleagues, such as Virgil and Dennis Rodman, vehemently denied that Hogan was a racist; however, the footage was damning.

In July 2015, WWE not only terminated Hogan's contract, they also removed all references linking the once profitable star's legacy to the company. They promptly removed him from the online record of the WWE Hall of Fame, cut him as a Tough Enough judge, and even removed all his once highly desirable merch.

Hogan was softly reinstated by WWE in July 2018.

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Chris Benoit
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.