10 Wrestlers Who Were Cut From Video Games

4. WWE SmackDown! Here Comes The Pain - Multiple Cuts

Chris benoit

Here Comes The Pain is a solid contender for the best wrestling game of all time, perfectly balancing a loose beat-em-up style of gameplay with a decent representation of professional wrestling in all its technical glory. The game also benefitted from including non-active legends for the first time in the series. However, the game cut a chunk of their own character work.

The main cuts were The Ultimate Warrior, who had legal disputes with WWE, and Hulk Hogan, who found his way to TNA after WWE terminated his contract. Various other wrestlers were initially included in the game, and remain in pieces and code in the final product. This comprised of 10 wrestlers who were not on WWE TV at the time; Jeff Hardy, Billy Gunn, Al Snow, Bradshaw, William Regal, Spike Dudley, Molly Holly, Billy Kidman, and 3-Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal) failed to make the cut.

Jeff Hardy was hugely popular at the time. However, he was released by WWE on 22 April 2003 due to erratic behaviour, no-showing commitments, and drug use. He also wrestled for Ring of Honor around the time of the game's release

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Chris Benoit
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.