10 Wrestlers You'd Never Expect To Be Huge Gamers

8. Magnus

A lot of full-time pro wrestlers probably don't have much time to themselves, always being out on the road, in the gym, or making a media appearance of some kind. The industry has evolved into something few can simply dip their toe into, it's pretty much all or nothing. For Magnus, TNA may not offer the same kind of hectic schedule that WWE do, but it's likely that the man is still kept pretty busy, and doesn't find as much time for things like video games as he perhaps used to. Nonetheless, the hobby is a favourite subject of the Englishman when broached, and he often talks candidly about his formative years growing up in the UK playing games. A definite Nintendo kid, Magnus played a lot of the Street Fighter series with his pals on SNES as a youngster, eventually owning the crown jewel of multiplayer shooters for a generation, Goldeneye on the N64. A few years back, when the Goldeneye remake was launched, Magnus talked about picking the game up and playing with a whole set of new friends, his fellow wrestlers.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.