10 Wrestlers You'd Never Expect To Be Huge Gamers

7. Kofi Kingston

Ok, so Kofi Kingston is probably the most obvious example on this list. The man makes no secret about his love for the art of video games, and has actually been the reigning champion of an annual contest playing WWE games at WrestleMania's fan Axxess event over the years. Whilst playing the wrestler at the latest WWE title, a lot of fans have remarked on social media that they swapped usernames with Kingston, eventually playing against him online across various platforms including Xbox Live and PSN. During an interview with Ric Flair several years ago, the legendary grappler remarked on how the backstage area had changed, name checking Kofi as an example. Rarely seen without a handheld on the road, Kingston was the butt of a joke from Flair, who said that kind of thing would never have happened back in the old days, they were too busy playing poker, drinking beer and getting themselves into trouble.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.