10 WTF Video Game Moments That Broke The Fourth Wall

6. Viewtiful Joe - Who Is Alastor?

wwf attitude ps1

One of the brilliant things about Viewtiful Joe, and trust me there are many, is that it's a game that never takes itself too seriously and is completely self aware at all times.

After all with such a heavy leaning on the cinematic industry and possessing a narrative about a lad hopping from our dimension on Earth to a locale titled "Movieland" it's pretty much a given that all the characters know they're in a game or some sort of larger production.

Even the movies, er games, antagonists explain the evil doers plans by reading to Joe from a script, and it's this moment that gives way to a brilliantly bizarre moment in the sequel Viewtiful Joe 2. Here Alastor one of the games reoccurring bad guys reads THE SAME SCRIPT to Joe before realising and then tells the player to go purchase the original game to find out what happened and also WHO ALASTOR EVEN IS.

Brilliant. He's Dante's Sword reborn in another form by the way. Yes. It's a weird franchise.

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Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.