10 WTF Video Game Moments That Broke The Fourth Wall

5. Gilgamesh Battle - Final Fantasy XIII-2

wwf attitude ps1

For the record Gilgamesh will always be on my s*it list after he came strolling in at the tail end of FF8 and sliced Odin in half, who was my personal face Guardian Force as a kid, however even I had a huge smile on my face thanks to 'Meshy's fourth wall break in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

And I need to clarify that as one of the, if not THE most powerful boss in the game, he could easily smash your face right through said wall with ease, but it seems that even this monolith of power is but a servant of a more influencial deity, that being the fickle and devilish God known as DLC.

Released after the game launched as a piece of DLC, the Clash on The Big Bridge added in the opportunity to mash up Gilgamesh and it's a contest he's seemingly grateful for as when you encounter him he states:

"I've been waiting in this Coliseum for so very long now! I was starting to worry that you'd never download this part of the game and I'd be stuck in digital limbo!

And how does he thank you for rescuing him? Well by being an utter arse to beat of course.

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WWF Attitude
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