10 WTF Video Game Moments That Broke The Fourth Wall

2. Golden Axe's Ending

wwf attitude ps1

Golden Axe is a true arcade gem through and through. It might appear archaic to some in this day and age, but at the time there was no better place to dump your pocket shrapnel than into this beast of an arcade unit.

Plus the narrative of the game is they type of high fantasy guff that I'm all about. Here we see three adventurers strike out to avenge those who have been killed by the evil forces of Death Adder (what a name) and players would be able to choose from Gilius Thunderhead the dwarf, Tyrius Flare the Amazonian and hands down the best named character of all time, AX BATTLER the barbarian. Because who wouldn't want a name that also informs your enemies of your passions AND also is a total lie seeing as he actually battles with a sword.

However things take a rather dramatic turn come the end of the game, because when you and your party finally turn Death Adder into a Dead Lad(-er) the screen cuts to an arcade cabinet exploding and the characters and enemies escaping into the real world! It was quite the WTF moment because no where else had it been suggested that they were in a video game and worse still, they now had our cash thanks to the coins we'd put in the machine. We'd been robbed!

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WWF Attitude
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