10 WTF Video Game Moments That Broke The Fourth Wall

3. Fable - The Legend Of The Sandgoose

wwf attitude ps1

If there's one thing that Fable is all about, on paper at least, it's immersion. If you were to believe Peter Molyneux and his ramblings you'd be able to watch a tree grow in real time, have every scar stay on your body and grow old and die within the span of the original game.

It was absolute tosh of course, but it was impressive bluster if you listened to the man, and this fourth wall break in the first Fable game shares many of these qualities, as it comes from a character muttering to himself about a character who doesn't exist.

One of the side quests sees you looking for an antidote for a young lad who's having a bad trip thanks to some dodgy mushrooms. However before you cure him of his visions, maybe take a little listen to what he's saying, as if you do you'll hear him state "Nothing is real! We're all just pixels, and our brains are just numbers... whoaaaa..."

If this wasn't funny enough you'll also get to hear about a bit of cut content as the lad mutters about The Sandgoose an NPC that was used throughout the build up towards the games release in order to create hype through rumours. Weird. but kinda brilliant all the same.

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WWF Attitude
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