4. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
How did we get here? When PopCap first released Plants vs Zombies, it was just a cute tower defense game with a simple yet rigorous system and a quirky sense of humour. That was in 2009. Fast forward to 2013 and we are talking about it being one of the most exciting next-gen titles with utterly gorgeous graphics. The Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare reveal was one of the highlights of E3 and I came out of both the EA press conference and my behind the scenes look at the game with a profound excitement. In what is probably the most ridiculous 'upscale' in video game history, a multiplayer real-time tower defense with the aesthetic of PopCap's flagship franchise looks like an inspired move. The game will also be coming to PC and Xbox 360, but alas, the PlayStation 4 is getting no love. I don't think it is going to sell consoles but it looks like it could a great little gem to support your library. No AAA game announced so far has offered anything so vibrant, colourful and, to be frank, bonkers on either console. We need more of that please.