100 Greatest Video Game Villains Of All Time

45. Alma Wade - F.E.A.R

Alma Wade Alma Wade is a girl with extreme emotional issues due to horrific experimentation exacted on her by Armacham Technology Corporation, as well as the player's mother. Originally appearing as an 8 year old girl with terrifying psychic powers, in F.E.A.R 2 she appears much older and at the climax of the game, rapes the protagonist, Michael Beckett, becoming pregnant with his child, a rare sight for a videogame villain.

44. King K. Rool - Donkey Kong

King K Rool King K. Rool is the second most recurring villain in Mario continuity and is the archenemy of Donkey Kong and his friends, as well as the malevolent ruler of the Kremlings. Whilst the majority of the time his focus was to steal the Kong's banana hoard, he was not against kidnapping members of the Kong family themselves, and often expresses a desire for the eradication of Donkey Kong and his island.

43. Hoyt Volker - Far Cry 3

Hoyt VOlker The self-appointed ruler of Rook Island despite his hatred of the natives, who his men are ordered to kill on sight, Hoyt is a slave trafficker who kidnaps Jason Brody and his friends, meaning to sell them. It is clear that Hoyt is very unstable and a scene in which Jason plays poker with Hoyt, and eventually kills him, is tense and brilliantly shocking, to say the least.

42. Ultros - Final Fantasy 6

Ultros Ultros was a recurring villain that often brought a comical tone to the largely serious plot of the game, partly because he was an octopus who unexpectedly appeared as the party travelled by raft. Ultros was also memorable because of surprising his love for opera, an unusual trait amongst videogame villains, as well as his lecherous comments towards female members of the party and hatred for the men he classes as muscle heads.

41. Origami Killer - Heavy Rain

heavy rain By now I'm sure most people are aware of the Origami Killer's true identity, Scott Shelby, one of the played characters in Heavy Rain. Fuelled by tragedy, Scott's brother died when he was young because their father was neglectful and would not help Scott save him. Scott subjects fathers to Saw-like tests, leaving their children to drown in rainwater if they cannot summon the strength to save them.
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I'm a Scriptwriting degree holder from Bournemouth University and spend most of my days furthering my extensive passion for Film, TV, Music and Videogames. I am an unashamed geek and have a tattoo of the Dark Knight Batman symbol on my back, also love a good story and highly look forward to when Liverpool FC remember how to play football. Follow me on twitter for more random media related musings @GuyWidBatTattoo.