100 Greatest Video Game Villains Of All Time

20. Andrew Ryan - Bioshock

Andrew Ryan The creator of Rapture, Andrew Ryan believed it was the only place that the parasites, as he called them, could not touch and where freedom and prosperity could rein supreme. But Ryan sunk to horrific means of keeping things this way and was not above murder. When you eventually meet Ryan and he tells you the truth about Atlas, he uses "would you kindly" to force the player into killing him with a golf club.

19. Shodan - System Shock 2

Shodan Shodan is a supercomputer with an absolute hatred of human life, who speaks with a terrifyingly fragmented voice. She is also the perpetrator of one of gaming's most shocking twists, when you realise that everyone whom you thought had been alive throughout System Shock 2, had actually been dead all along. Her malevolent insults make her a genuinely evil villain that more than deserves her place here.

18. Dr. Robotnick - Sonic The Hedgehog

Robotnik A mad scientist with an incredibly high IQ, but who is also prone to extreme temper tantrums when his plans are foiled or things aren't going his way. His ultimate goal is to use his fondness for robotics to conquer the world and create a utopia, a dream that he will stop at nothing to achieve. Despite his evil dreams, he is also a romanticist and a gentleman, making him more than just your average villain.

17. Kessler - Infamous

Kessler Kessler was the leader of the First Sons and seemingly an extremely evil villain, forcing Cole to set off the Ray Sphere and killing his girlfriend Trish. However, late in the game Kessler reveals that he is Cole's future self, he travelled to the past in order to prepare young Cole to face a conduit named the Beast that will wreak havoc in Empire City, instead of fleeing as he did in Kessler's timeline.

16. Vaas Montenegro - Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 Described in game as downright nuts, Vaas is an extremely volatile, unpredictable and violent villain who has no qualms with killing countless innocent people and selling others as slaves. Vaas is extremely memorable due to the insanity he adds to the game, attempting to kill Jason various times with fire and point-blank gunshots, as well as his many unforgettable quotes, including, "Did I ever tell you the definition...of insanity?"
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I'm a Scriptwriting degree holder from Bournemouth University and spend most of my days furthering my extensive passion for Film, TV, Music and Videogames. I am an unashamed geek and have a tattoo of the Dark Knight Batman symbol on my back, also love a good story and highly look forward to when Liverpool FC remember how to play football. Follow me on twitter for more random media related musings @GuyWidBatTattoo.