100 Greatest Video Game Villains Of All Time

25. Mecha-Hitler - Wolfenstein 3D

mecha-hitler How often when playing World War 2 based games have you wished that you could take on, and kill, Adolf Hitler yourself? Yet staying true to history, most games keep him as a looming background figure, apart from Wolfenstein 3D that is! Dressed in a suit of armour and armed with quad chain guns, before eventually attacking outside of the armour, he is suitably challenging and creepy enough to melt into just blood and bones when defeated.

24. Frank Fontaine / Atlas - Bioshock

Frank Fontaine Atlas was the revolutionary who created the uprising against Andrew Ryan, and is an incredibly significant villain due to the shock twist towards the end of the game, in which it is revealed he is actually Frank Fontaine, the mobster who challenged Ryan and caused Rapture's downfall. It is also revealed that he has been controlling your actions all along with mental conditioning and the key phrase "would you kindly".

23. Harbinger - Mass Effect 2/3

Harbinger Described as the oldest Reaper, Harbinger is the overseer of the Collector's operations and controls events from behind the scenes, much like the Illusive Man. During Mass Effect 2 he is incredibly dangerous as he has taken control of the Collector General, thus enabling him to assume control of any Collector Shepard is facing, instantly restoring them to full health and making them far stronger, a far from ideal situation.

22. Hojo - Final Fantasy VII

Hojo Hojo's impact as a videogame villain is often overlooked, with many fans forgetting the man who set the game's events in motion. Hojo performed horrific experiments on unwilling participants, including Cloud and his own son, Sephiroth, whilst he was still in Lucrecia's womb. After injecting himself with Jenova cells, Hojo is the only villain in the game other than Sephiroth that has three separate forms to defeat.

21. Dormin - Shadow Of The Colossus

Dormin Whilst Dormin is clearly a malevolent entity, he never actually lies to the player, telling Wander from the beginning that there may be a heavy price to pay for reviving his girlfriend. It turns out that the Colossi Wander is tasked with killing actually each hold a portion of Dormin's soul, sealed away after he committed an unforgivable act, eventually allowing him to take control of Wander's body when the last colossus was killed.
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I'm a Scriptwriting degree holder from Bournemouth University and spend most of my days furthering my extensive passion for Film, TV, Music and Videogames. I am an unashamed geek and have a tattoo of the Dark Knight Batman symbol on my back, also love a good story and highly look forward to when Liverpool FC remember how to play football. Follow me on twitter for more random media related musings @GuyWidBatTattoo.