100 Greatest Video Game Villains Of All Time

80. Tyrannosaurus Rex - Dino Crisis

T-Rex The T-Rex is an extremely formidable enemy encountered in Dino Crisis, often appearing at the most inopportune moments in an attempt to devour Regina. The first meeting with the T-Rex is shocking and terrifying, as its head bursts through an office window, leaving very little room to escape its jaws. The game's three endings each lead to a dramatic and explosive death for the beast.

79. Yungo - Pandemonium

Yungo Yungo may not have been the most active antagonist in Videogame history, but he sure made a huge impact upon his arrival. Accidentally summoned by Nikki from the Ancient Wizard's Spellbook, almost as soon as it arrived it swallowed the whole village nearby that Nikki and Fargus called home. That's right, the whole village, in one gulp.

78. Melzas - Alundra

Melzas Melzas wanted to be worshipped as the only God of the people, even taking over the mind of the King and making heresy towards him unlawful. However, it was not long before the King realised and trapped Melzas, who swore revenge and spread nightmares across all those in his power. When Alundra faces Melzas he summons a giant dragon to aid his fight, as well drawing Alundra into his own mind.

77. Gruntilda - Banjo-Kazooie

Gruntilda Gruntilda's plan was to use a beauty transfer machine to steal all of Banjo's sister Tooty's good looks and become the fairest in the land. Gruntilda is an extremely memorable villain for her inability to speak in anything but rhyme, as well as her game show like lair, and her extreme vanity, despite her clearly ugly appearance.

76. Slender Man - Slender

Slender Man Originally created at the Something Awful Forms in a thread named Create Paranormal Images, he is usually seen wearing a black suit with no facial features and is abnormally tall and thin. In Slender, your task is to collect 8 manuscripts whilst avoiding the Slender Man, who is constantly stalking you, appearing to drain your sanity when you least expect it.
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I'm a Scriptwriting degree holder from Bournemouth University and spend most of my days furthering my extensive passion for Film, TV, Music and Videogames. I am an unashamed geek and have a tattoo of the Dark Knight Batman symbol on my back, also love a good story and highly look forward to when Liverpool FC remember how to play football. Follow me on twitter for more random media related musings @GuyWidBatTattoo.