10/10 Video Games The Public REJECTED

2. Overwatch 2

starfield game

I’ve saved the two top spots on this list for games that critics loved but gamers said “absolutely not” in droves. And not because said games were too niche, marketed poorly, or had competitive release windows, they were just a big let down.

I’ll parrot my subjective statement again just to cover the inevitability that you or someone you may know actually likes one or both of these games but chances are you probably don’t. Knowing how much everybody absolutely dunked on Overwatch 2 you might have forgotten that Blizzard’s team shooter cleaned up in the impressive review score department at launch. 

Most of the major outlets pinned it with 8s if not 9s but players were not having it. Despite gathering more than double the players of its predecessor in its launch month, that really just meant even more players were primed for frustration.

It’s not quite accurate to judge this one on user reviews since there were not one but three reasons the game was a target for review bombing.

The first was Activision Blizzard’s harassment allegations, the second being Blizzard ditching their partnership with Chinese company NetEase that meant players in the region couldn’t use local servers, and finally the game itself dropped its intended PvE content and swapped out loot boxes for a battle pass.

There were also complaints about the game’s poor matchmaking, and everything in the game being nickel and dimed to oblivion. The first game being universally beloved was always going to be tricky to live up to but the missteps here were next level.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.