11 Accidental Video Game Events That Cost THOUSANDS

8. Pokemon Go - Pokemon Go Fest 2017

Eve Online Bloodbath of B-R5RB

When Pokemon GO was released there were two fields of thought. It was either the greatest thing in the world or was a fad that would quickly fade away. Well, how wrong the second opinion was because it is still going strong. I bet a lot of people thought the original trading card game was a fad too.

How do you follow up the massively successful release of this game, why have an event all about it of course? An event full of shows, games, and rewards, you just need to log into your Pokemon GO app to participate… if you can.

The whole event was plagued by numerous network and connectivity issues, with many attendees not being able to log in to their account, and so were not able to take part.

Tickets for this sold out extremely quickly too, and as commented on by people that attended, others had been waiting in line since the early hours of the morning. There were even reports of tickets being sold online for $2,000 before the event.

When the CEO John Hanke came on stage he was nearly booed off. To help put people at ease and retain some goodwill, all attendees' admission costs were refunded, they were given $100 in shop credit and a free Lugia.

It may have cost the company, but it was better for them than the bad press.

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Eve Online
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I'm a freelance video game and tech journalist, with an interest in History and video production. Follow me on Twitter for more video game-related content.