11 Awesome Actors Who Gave Awful Video Game Performances

2. Peter Dinklage - Destiny

Probably the most divisive and talked-about performance of any high-profile actor in a recent video game is Peter Dinklage's turn as A.I. Ghost in Destiny. Immediately following the game's release, Dinklage's flat, affect-free performance was lambasted for its apparent lack of enthusiasm and effort.

Arguments in defense of Dinklage stated that the A.I. character was by design supposed to be monotonous, but if that was true, why on Earth would Bungie hire an actor of Dinklage's range, grit and expressiveness rather than, well, someone like David Duchovny? He would've been much better-suited to this kind of character.

In the end, it all comes down to brand identity, and as a hugely popular Game of Thrones star, Dinklage's involvement no doubt raised the game's profile and helped it commercially no matter how terrible his turn actually was.

Dinklage's widely-disparaged work was eventually replaced by voice-over maestro Nolan North, who re-recorded all of Dinklage's lines, and though Bungie officially blamed Dinklage's removal on the actor's tight schedule preventing him from recording dialogue updates, it's widely believed he was removed for quality issues.

Hilariously, though, Dinklage's most infamous line of dialogue was cheekily re-introduced in Destiny's final update earlier this year.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.