11 Best Fighting Games Of The Decade (So Far)
11. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

Naruto's adventures have come to their natural end - his somehow-more-annoying-son now the focus of Kishimoto's attention - so it's only fitting that Bandai Namco decided to call time, too, on its tie-in Ultimate Ninja Storm series.
As always, multiplayer is where the longevity lies, and Namco's gone to great lengths to ensure fans don't go wanting for content. An eye-watering 61-character-strong roster with a grand total of 86 variants - e.g. young/adult Naruto - make the cut for the Naruto's video game send-off, and there's a surprising lack of overlap between them.
Admittedly, there's nothing here that hasn't been present in its predecessors, but Ninja Storm 4 brings all of those past elements together to form one definitive package, including an unadulterated story mode devoid of any filler, a definite plus for those that took issue with the artificially extended anime series.
There's also the small matter of getting to personally shove Madara's warped ideology of a perfect world right where the sun doesn't shine. Money well spent.