11 Best Star Wars Video Games

9. Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader

One of the first titles on the Gamecube that made the bigger console-fans really take notice - thanks to some cinematic-to-gameplay transitions - is still one of the most easily-replayable Star Wars titles now thanks to a brilliantly fan-pleasing opening level, in the form of the Death Star assault from A New Hope.

From there you'd even travel to Hoth, piloting a snow-speeder to take some cables to a AT-AT's legs - which for our money is easily the most insanely-cool custom-setpiece seen in any of the franchise's titles.

With some tight controls and a learning curve that dipped and weaved as you went, Rogue Leader had the perfect mix of pick up n' play sensibilities twinned with the difficulty spikes of a game sure of its longevity.

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