11 Best Video Game Christmas DLC And Levels To Get Into The Holiday Spirit

2. Duke Nukem - Nuclear Winter

Hitman 2 Holiday Hoarders
3D Realms

No, this is not a mistake. There is an expansion to Duke Nukem 3D called Nuclear Winter, and it is Christmas themed. Obviously, nothing about Duke Nukem screams festive cheer, but even this classic first person shooter full of nudity and violence can't help but strafe into Christmassy waters.

The expansion wasn't particularly well received on release because of its rehashed level design and lack of new enemies, but to that I say humbug! Sometimes you just want to rampage through streets blowing up hovering snowmen and pig cops in Santa hats. It's cathartic. Plus, the story for Nuclear Winter has to be played to be believed.

After it comes to light that Santa has been kidnapped and brainwashed by aliens, Duke must utilise his macho charm and big guns to save the day. But that's not all, as if fighting aliens wasn't bad enough, these pesky baddies have teamed up with a group known as the Feminist Elven Militia... Yup. For the grand finale itself, you must fight the brainwashed Santa with bullets, because what says happy holidays better than filling Father Christmas full of lead?

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.