11 Best Video Game Christmas DLC And Levels To Get Into The Holiday Spirit

4. Sam & Max - Ice Station Santa

Hitman 2 Holiday Hoarders

Sam & Max has to be one of the most unexpected multimedia franchises to have spawned in the past thirty years. Starting out as comic book characters, they've since found major success within the video game industry, and even had a short-lived TV show.

Though there have been a number of games for Sam & Max, the one relevant to this article occurred after the IP left Lucasarts and moved to Telltale Games. The duo had three seasons of episodic adventures released by the studio. It's the first episode of season two we're interested in: Ice Station Santa.

When it comes to light that something isn't quite right in the North Pole, Sam & Max are sent to get to the bottom of it. Upon arrival they find a Santa who may well be possessed, trying to kill some Elves with a machine gun. So it's down to you to guide Sam & Max to free Santa from a demon known as 'the shambling corporate presence' and rescue Christmas. It's weird, wonderful, and a game you can't miss.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.