11 Biggest Video Game Plot Holes You Can’t Explain
10. Gears Of War 3 - Why Is The Leader Of The Locusts A Human Woman?
Forever dancing on the precipice of full-on exposition, instead the phenomenal Gears 3 tangoed away from delivering what fans were convinced was going to be the final revelation - that Queen Myrrah was Marcus' mother after all - and just... rolled credits.
Maybe it's something tucked away for a future release, but as it stands everything else in the Gears canon - from Marcus' dad Adam discussing his relationship to her and assuming she died, to her appearance being completely different from the rest of the Locust - it all points to something that was just lifted straight out the script instead.
Delving deeper into Adam's research notes in-game reveals that the Imulsion substance found underground was thought to have active, sentient properties; something that could definitely mean either Myrrah was an unwilling human host after a dig gone wrong, or was created on planet Sera from scratch test tube-style. Either way, right now you can only hope Gears 4 will shed a little light on things.