11 Biggest Video Game Plot Holes You Can’t Explain

9. Fallout 3 - Why Can't Someone Immune To Radiation Activate The Purifier?

Fallout 3 Fawkes Ending

Now for an oversight so egregious and annoying, developers Bethesda issued some DLC to rectify it. See, come the close of the game you're tasked with activating a water purifier for the good of humanity - a simple premise, no?

Well, disregarding the fact water doesn't seem to be in short supply when it comes to your own inventory, rejigging the purifier isn't an easy task when there's radioactive material circulating around the place, making for an endgame more like MGS 4's half-dead corridor crawl (minus making it to the end) instead of anyone's salvation.

However, as the Super Mutants are immune to this radiation - if you happened to have the friendly Fawkes riding with you - literally everyone sat staring at the screen then wondered where the option to let someone else or Fawkes himself do the deed actually was.

Bethesda apparently hadn't noticed, and it wasn't until the Broken Steel DLC (that they charged for!) appeared that let you send Fawkes, Charon or Sergeant RL-3 in your stead that things got appropriately rectified.

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