11 Bold Predictions About Gaming In 2016

1. Nintendo's NX Runs Circles Around The PS4 & Xbox One

You've heard the rumours (if not, check them out over here) surrounding Nintendo's long-awaited return to the hardcore gaming market, and although they're not about to abandon pleasing the masses in favour of something like a proper Metroid sequel, if the hardware scuttlebutt is true, it's going to leave Sony and Microsoft's machines in the dust. Whilst even with the GameCube, Nintendo started losing footing with the more dedicated gamer - and both the Wii and Wii U didn't help matters - there's always been that glimmer of hope that if they returned to the ways of the late 90s and the N64, they could turn things around. Nintendo take the idea of legacy very seriously, a respectful trait you can see in the past two generations of console controllers working perfectly on the Wii U, alongside giving you easy access to everything from the original Super Mario to Ocarina of Time and all their newest titles with ease. The Japanese giant have always had the games, they've just needed the right advertising clout and some constant presence in the west. 2016 will be the year we finally get to see the NX in action, and if it's capable of delivering genre-defining experiences like Ocarina, GoldenEye, Super Mario 64 and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, the others don't stand a chance. Let us know in the comments your own predictions for 2016, and get your rant-caps on for any you disagree with!
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