11 Creepiest Urban Legends In Video Games

1. The Game That Never Was - Killswitch

Twisted metal sweet tooth

Much like Polybius or Pale Luna, the urban legend that surrounds Killswitch is not the game itself, but whether it existed in the first place.

Supposedly, a Czechoslovakian company called Karvina Corporation made 5,000 copies of this alleged title during the late 1980s or early 1990s. In this mystery horror game, you could choose to play as an invisible fire-breathing demon called Ghast or a girl called Porto.

What made Killswitch unique is how it could only be played one time. If the player died or reached the goal, the game would automatically erase itself, leaving no record it was there in the first place.

Because it's difficult to prove a video game was never real, you'd imagine this Creepypasta would linger forever.

However, it's surprisingly easy to disprove Killswitch's existence, since its origins can be traced to Catherynne M. Valente's short story, Melancholy of Mechagirl, which was published in 2013. Since we can pinpoint where this tale originated from, you'd think that would put this myth to bed.

But because so many people have uploaded their own mods of Killswitch online over the years, the gaming community has managed to keep this legend alive.

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