11 Creepiest Urban Legends In Video Games

3. The Insanity Mod - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Twisted metal sweet tooth

When Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind took the world by storm, it wasn't long before die-hard gamers started crafting their own mods of the RPG. Although there are hundreds of versions of Morrowind, there is no question the jvk1166z.esp. mod is the most infamous.

At first, many suspected jvk wasn't a game, but a virus since it corrupted save files when activated. To get it to work, jvk had to be played in DOSbox.

Immediately after this incarnation of Morrowind boots up, crazy things start happening. All the main characters are dead. NPCs keep telling you to "Watch the sky." When your health hits zero, you encounter a spider-creature called The Assassin.

If you enter a nearby dungeon, you'll come across a locked door. Even though there's no known way to open this door, it hasn't stopped people trying. According to some reports, players spent days without sleep, obsessing over accessing this area. Gamers became so fixated on this door, they suffered from night terrors or hallucinations revolving around The Assassin.

Although it's debated if these reports are real or if the mod itself actually existed, jvk1166z.esp. has been recreated many times by fanatical modders, ensuring this urban legend won't be going away any time soon.


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