11 DC Characters We Want To See In The Suicide Squad Game

10. Amanda Waller

The Suicide Squad's boss is pretty hard-nosed. In the comics, she's at the centre of everything, recruiting a collection of the DC Universe's baddest to do her (and the government's) bidding. While it's unlikely that she'll see any real action for herself in the game, there's no doubt that her orders will be central to the plotline, and perhaps her narration will lead into different chapters and character stories. By contrast, Waller could also be the voice of reason for any of the characters, like Alfred is to Batman, except much more intense. An interesting plot point to explore as well could be the fact that (in the comics) Waller insists on electronically tagging (with an explosive collar) each member of the Squad to keep them under control €“ how are the Squad members going to react to that (and could one or two break out?) leading to another chapter in the game involving the capturing of said member? Of course, it's too early to tell at this point, but exciting to think about.

Soundspheremag.com editor. Also marketing and PR manager for The Creative Condition (@conditiontweets), a disabled entrepreneur, and huge wrestling fan. Thanks for reading!