11 Facts You Never Knew About The Development Of Metal Gear Solid

2. Features Of Later Games Were Prototyped As Early As Metal Gear Solid 1

Metal Gear Solid has always been an ambitious series, yet most of its ingenious ideas were actually conceived decades before they could ever be implemented. Be it because of technical issues or just mere time constraints, if Kojima had his way then many of the franchise's staple gameplay mechanics would have been included as early as the original Metal Gear Solid. For instance you probably know that the famous first-person mode was prototyped for that original release, but the developers were also testing out things like the later games' crouch-walk, a drone camera and Snake's spin-kick, years before they showed up in the sequels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SDvdTvtBGI

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3