11 Facts You Never Knew About The Development Of Metal Gear Solid

6. The End Of MGS 2's Tanker Chapter Was Originally Very Different

During one of Raiden's many conversations with Snake during the Big Shell chapter of Metal Gear Solid 2, you'll end up seeing a flashback that details how the latter was able to escape the sinking tanker at the start of the game. However, the scenes the sequence show are markedly different from what you played yourself only a few hours ago, and that's because they actually come from a scrapped alternate finale to the level. In this original version, you controlled Solid Snake as he made his way off the sinking tanker and blasted his way past a load of enemies. However, although it took the developers months to create the physics that controlled the water that would chase Snake throughout the level, play-testers reacted negatively to the section and it was ultimately scrapped for the boxed release. While it's a shame that players never got to experience the original finale, at least the leftover material still found a use in the flashback scenes later in the game.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3