11 Facts You Never Knew About The Development Of Metal Gear Solid

7. Snake Doesn't Shoot Olga Because She Reminds Him Of Meryl

Although it's hard to tell because of the jump in graphical fidelity between the first and second game, Metal Gear Solid 2's Olga Gurlukovich was supposed to bare a striking resemblance to series veteran Meryl Silverburgh. While you can't tell too much just by looking at the two side-by-side, the resemblance is something that pops up multiple times in codec conversations, specifically during the title's Tanker chapter. However there's more to the similarity than it just being a knowing design choice, but the link between the two characters supposedly explains why Snake takes such a liking to Olga during the second game, and sheds a little light on why he seems so hesitant and off-balance when they first meet.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3