11 Former Wii U Exclusives The Nintendo Switch Can Save
For the first time in years, a Nintendo console millions actually OWN.

The Wii U didn't last long: 2012 to 2017, hitting only 13 million sales worldwide. Its successor, the mighty Switch however, has sold just shy of 15 million in nine months. Those are great sales figures in anyone's book, and testament to just how mismarketed the Wii U was.
Going forward, if the Switch tis to ever get ahead of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, it needs games - and a continued sense of brand identity. Impressively enough, ports from the seventh and eighth generation of consoles are present and correct (Doom, Skyrim and L.A. Noire), with more third-party greats on the way like Dark Souls and Wolfenstein II. Then you've got rumours of Black Ops IV swirling, too.
But with such low sales of the Wii U, there's plenty of chances for its older games to get a new lease of life on Switch. Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze and Hyrule Warriors are both confirmed already for 2018. Both add extra content beyond their original releases, and there's plenty scope for other former exclusives to make the leap across.
11. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD & Twilight Princess HD

Wind Waker's visuals have barely aged since 2003, and though most critics agreed that the HD upgrade wasn't entirely necessary, it remains one of the most gorgeous of all in the Legend of Zelda canon. Twilight Princess, conversely, looked muddy and blurred on the GameCube and Wii, and its graphics were rightly praised in the 2016 HD remaster for Wii U.
With both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask receiving 3DS editions and selling brilliantly, it's time for Nintendo to consider a new Zelda double pack for the Switch, including both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.

Much like the beloved Collector's Edition GameCube double pack of Ocarina and Majora, both Wii U games would be perfect for on-the-go gaming sessions. The crisp screen will give a fresh look, and unleash the portable play that was restrained by the Wii U.