11 Incredible Video Games You Can Finish Under An Hour

3. Frog Fractions

frog fractions

Frog Fractions was made for a VERY specific age bracket. Namely those circling 30, who remember a specific brand of educational software that was used when PCs were used to teach mathematics, science etc. in primary and secondary school.

Because on the face of it, Frog Fractions looks every bit like something designed to at least get various fractions in your head.

Play for a few minutes though and you'll realise there's something else going on. Dive below the surface once your turtle is upgraded enough and you'll find all the fruit you missed beforehand, breaking the score counter at the top.

From here, well, there's barely an old-school game genre that developer Twinbeard didn't pay homage to. Rhythm titles, text adventures, RPG dialogue systems - it's something else, and besides only taking half an hour to see, is all available for free.

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Gaming Editor

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