11 Incredible Video Games You Can Finish Under An Hour

2. Emily Is Away

emily is away
Kyle Seeley

Another title laser targeted towards those who remember the furtive instant messaging days of MSN, AOL or whatever you used circa the early 2000s, Emily Is Away is also free, and dives into the reality of adolescent crushes, invoking a retrospective tone of bittersweet honesty.

Because look, we were all hopeless romantics once. There's something about Emily Is Away casting you as this friend of a person you half-wish you get closer to, only for those opportunities to forever slip through your fingers, that will resonate with some people in an incredibly personal way.

Now, the only real "gameplay" here is picking dialogue options across a time period that spans high school to college, but how Emily is Away uses these interactions to cement an emotional and human final note is something you should seek out for yourself.

Best of all, it'll only take you about 40 minutes to do so.

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Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.