11 Offensive Video Game Moments You Need To See For Yourself

1. Everything About Bulletstorm (Apparently)

bulletstorm game gore
Epic Games

Perhaps it was just a slow news day, but Fox News blogger John Brandon (maybe just annoyed he doesn't have a surname) decided Epic Games' newest release, Bulletstorm, was tantamount to dancing with the anti-christ.

He promptly deemed it 'The Worst Video Game in the World', as commentator Carol Liberman chimed in, insinuating Bulletstorm was responsible for a rise in rapes and sexual crimes that had been reported at the time: “The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in video games”. Brandon continued to enact quite the crusade against the game's happy-go-gory nature across its release period, resulting in many non-gaming sites following suit.

EA responded by standing firmly behind the fact the game was rated 17+ for mature audiences, but sadly thanks to a combination of pirated copies and - assumedly - Fox News a-holes being hard at work, Bulletstorm couldn't turn a profit for Epic Games in the end.


Which offensive video game moments, genuine or otherwise, do people really need to see for themselves?

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