11 Offensive Video Game Moments You Need To See For Yourself

8. Metal Gear Solid V's Justification Of Quiet's 'Costume'

Metal Gear Solid V Quiet

Oh, Hideo Kojima, sometimes you're just your own worst enemy. Case in point? The portrayal of character, Quiet, a scantily-clad female sniper who in the run up to release, was played up to be someone with a dark secret. Kojima even stated (though he'd later claim he was mistranslated) that once we found out why Quiet was dressed this way, we'd "be ashamed of our words and deeds."


It's especially notable, because the reality of why Quiet was perpetually half-naked came down to the fact she breathed through her skin.

Erm... ye-okay? Also, the reason she can't talk is down to Snake torching her vocal chords out with a molotov cocktail, before a parasitic infection replaced them in such a fashion, that they'd kill her if she ever spoke a word of a specific language.

Because Metal Gear.

Kojima would go on to license a figure of Quiet that had "squeezable boobs", as well as insisting that her ludicrous aesthetic and the many, MANY up-close shots of her breasts and behind were to instigate a discussion on how the public discuss such things.

Mission accomplished on the conversation front, but when scenes inside MGS V have Quiet become the victim of torture and attempted rape - only for the tables to be turned when she gets her kit off again - it sends absolutely the wrong message to all players.

"Just get naked and it'll be okay" is... well that's pretty monstrous, isn't it?

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