11 Offensive Video Game Moments You Need To See For Yourself

9. Manhunt 2 Gets Banned For Being Too Violent

manhunt 2

Films have video nasties, and although gaming doesn't necessarily specialise in ludicrously gory titles anymore, save for the occasional Mortal Kombat or DOOM, back in the 2000s, Rockstar were the 'bad boys' of the medium through and through.

As a result of releasing two GTA titles that rocked the world and got Fox News anchors writing multiple stories a week about how it was "destroying America's youth", they quickly followed it up with Manhunt; a game so disgustingly brutal and violent, it was implicated in a real-life murder.

Following that, they returned in 2008 with Manhunt 2, to which it felt like the mainstream populace were ready and waiting with pitchforks outstretched. As as result, the game was granted an 'AO' rating in America (the same as pornography), severely limiting who would stock it, and the BBFC outright refused to classify it, meaning Rockstar had to add filters and other obscuring effects to get it out the door.

Naturally, all this did was put even more eyes on the title than ever before, resulting in solid sales figures - but thankfully, Manhunt 2 was a stellar action-stealth title with a killer closing twist to boot.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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