11 Reasons Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Has Saved The Series

8. The Visuals

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare might be yet another entry that makes use of a modified IW Engine, but it still manages to look incredible. Walking through war-torn streets really feels like you're exploring what was once a living city, while the futuristic machinations that walk and fly around the battlefield are frighteningly visceral. The in-game HUD manages to add to the immersion this time round, making use of holographic displays similar to those seen in Dead Space. In general, the whole presentation of the game manages to be consistent in its futuristic setting, with smooth, clean menus and a totally overhauled lobby screen that lets you look at the cosmetics of your fellow players. It's the best-looking Call of Duty yet, showing that there's life yet in the aging IW Engine.

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