11 Reasons Lost Legacy Is Better Than Uncharted 4

2. Asav Is Infinitely Better Than Rafe

Uncharted Lost Legacy Asav
Naughty Dog

Though he goes a bit too insane at the end, Asav's motivations as this stuck-up, self-righteous ex-professor forever infuriated that he's been outwitted is brilliant.

There's a really fantastic scene near the beginning where Naughty Dog's facial animators show their worth, seeing Asav struggle to even comprehend how much he and his men have fallen behind; the strained silence speaking volumes as to how doggedly he'll then pursue the treasure thereafter.

Contrasted to Rafe, well... at the very end we get a parallel between Rafe's hard work never paying off versus Nate's luck prevailing against all, but it's literally at the end of the story.

Though both villains aren't outstanding by any means, you get a much better sense of threat and purpose from Asav, whereas Rafe was just... there, forever upstaged by the more intimidating Nadine.

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