11 Severely Underrated Xbox One Games You Must Play

9. The Escapists

If you've heard the buzz about Prison Architect over on Steam (its potentially 'unethical' prisoner-management gameplay even made it onto a couple of news networks), you should be interested in The Escapists, a similar-looking title that does away with the former's style in favour of letting you figure out a way to escape a variety of sequential prisons. I mentioned the PS2's Prisoner of War earlier, but it's the same approach to realising what to do here. Morning roll-calls, meal times, sessions in the exercise yard etc. will see various inmates and guards in different places at different times of the day - freeing you up to steal key items, speak to them and ultimately, devise a way out. There's a fairly simply crafting system in place to put together the necessaries for each breakout, but to acquire some equipment, you might have to do all sorts of dirty deeds for the more shadier characters around you. After all, this is a prison, and the more you escape, the harder the next place you get thrown into is going to be. More a puzzle game than anything else, The Escapists' concept is so brilliantly unique - brought to life with cutesy 16-bit graphics that bely some of the more violent altercations - it's a solid accompaniment to its more headline-attracting brethren.
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