11 Terrifying Abandoned Areas In Video Games That Will Give You The Creeps

2. Nazi Bunker – Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Deserted town of Pripyat, Ukraine
Naughty Dog

Another example of a massive tonal shift jarring enough to unseat the player comes by way of Naughty Dog's award-winning Uncharted series.

The first of the franchise, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune felt for the most part like a revamping of all the things that once made Lara Croft the queen of video games. With platforming, puzzles, and gunplay, Uncharted has it all, and there's no doubt that it deserves every bit of the acclaim it has received.

But when it came time for Nathan Drake to descend into an old Nazi Bunker, it marked the beginning of easily the most disturbing section in the franchise. Navigating through a maze of dark, winding tunnels, Drake discovers that the tunnels are overrun with Descendants, the mutated forms of humans that once took the treasure of El Dorado from the Amazon.

Although it might seem that the Bunker was thrown in to add an element of horror to the otherwise colorful platformer, it's actually entirely relevant to the story, meaning that the terror you suffered playing through it wasn't without some justification.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.