11 Times Video Games Did Horror Better Than Movies

4. Fatal Frame - Seeing The Horror Up-Close

Something that many games, movies and TV shows do wrong over the course of their runtimes is showing the enemy force too soon. As is the case with The Walking Dead it's very hard now that we're four seasons in for the zombies to maintain any sense of threat - especially when characters like Michonne are samurai sword-wielding badasses who can take on huge numbers of them with ease. The Fatal Frame series on the other hand actually has enough confidence in its designs that the core mechanic is waiting until the last possible second before dealing damage. Armed with a camera that can dole out punishment the closer an enemy is to you before pressing the shutter, Fatal Frame actively encourages you to get stuck into its world of sunken-eyed ghouls and torn-dress demons, before goading them out of hiding and finishing them off. Outside of the older Evil Dead movies or action movies in general it's very rare that a protagonist will actually face the unseen threat head-on, and as the manner in which you deal with enemies here is so specific to how the entire experience controls, it's one of few that could only be done by putting you in an active role.
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