11 Times Video Games Did Horror Better Than Movies

5. Heavy Rain - Sheer Finger-Severing Desperation

Thanks to the success of the Saw and Hostel films a few years ago, it proved that many audiences will treat the sheer suffering of others as a form of horror in itself. After all, being forced into committing a violent act to another human being - or yourself - is easily quite a disturbing thought, and that's before you're put behind the controller. Heavy Rain is a very divisive game, doing some things very right and others hilariously bad. However if you're on board with the plight of father Ethan as he attempts to save his son you felt every bit of the agony he went through when the Origami Killer demanded he cut a portion of his finger off to show his devotion. In a move that'll please armchair-sadists worldwide, you were actually given a choice of which implement to use, adding a sense of weight and realism to what was about to happen and letting you ask the question of what you would do in the situation. With time ticking away, running is always an option, but from a selection of knives, scissors and even a pliers if you want to survive the ordeal and continue the story you'll have to take part in this extremely brutal scene.
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