11 Types Of Players Everyone HATES In Multiplayer Video Games
5. The Ejector Seat
Rage-Quitting as an action is something everyone has done at least once in their gaming life;
Unsuccessful repeat tries on a level eventually lead to exacerbated frustration. And when it reaches boiling point, God help anyone else in the room. But while the only person affected in a Campaign game is the quitter themselves, in Co-Op or Multiplayer Games, everyone suffers.
You can sense it coming as they voice their frustration, then a notification tells you "Big_Hog_69 Has Left The Game" and once again, cognitive dissonance reasons that they were undefeated since the game never officially finished.
They'll be the first to insist a level is restarted if they don't make it to a specific car/vehicle before the other players. In some cases, during offline games, they've been known to switch off the consoles if their defeat is on the horizon.
The insufferable nature of the rage-quitting Ejector Seat, is that they've missed the entire point of gaming. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But for them, the idea of losing to their underlings (ahem! I mean friends) is inconceivable.
Friendships can really be tested with an Ejector Seat. Especially when they blame their near-defeats on the people they play with.