11 Unexpected Video Game Jump Scares That Scarred You For Life

3. Lisa Finally Pouncing In P.T

The only through-and-through horror game on this list, Konami's teaser for the tragically cancelled Silent Hills is surprisingly sparse on jump scares, focused instead on using creepy imagery and unnerving audio to terrify the player.

But that only means that when a jump scare does eventually come, you're caught completely off guard.

Throughout the teaser you're haunted by a ghostly figure known as 'Lisa', and you know she's got to jump out at you at some point. Wanting to make you suffer however, the game racks up the tension as you catch more and more glimpses of her, often just standing in front of you being creepy, before hitting you with a random jump scare when you least expect it.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3