11 Upcoming PS5 Games We Know Are In Development

1. Killzone 5

Killzone Fake Game Over

Now, while Guerilla Games are apparently hard at work on Horizon Zero Dawn 2, the team still has plans for their first major franchise, Killzone. The shooter series has been dormant since spin-off Shadow Fall launched alongside the PS4, but over the past couple of years, the company has been hiring for what appears to be a new project unrelated to Horizon.

Interestingly, all the positions and hires have been so far focused on multiplayer, as the company has brought in people to work on matchmaking systems, clans and leaderboards. Not only that, but Chris Lee recently joined the team, a dev known for working on the acclaimed multiplayer shooter Rainbow Six: Siege.

Though Sony has smashed it this generation in establishing themselves as the best in the business when it comes to high-quality exclusives, their multiplayer offering has left quite a bit to be desired. Execs in the company have repeatedly stated they want to remedy that, and a great multiplayer Killzone game for PS5 could be a huge step in the right direction.

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Killzone 5
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3