11 Upcoming Video Games That Might Be The PS4's Killer App

2. Project Morpheus

Release Date: TBA. The Buzz: This isn't so much a single game as it is Sony's entire virtual reality project, which was first announced almost a year ago and will apparently "shape the future of games". It will theoretically allow a greater degree of immersion than ever before and make you feel "in" the game. Why It Might Be The Killer App: The Nintendo Wii proved that a well-marketed, innovative gimmick can win the console war outright, and perhaps Project Morpheus can be that for Sony. Early reviews have praised the immersion aspect, though the jury remains out on whether Sony will be able to release unique enough experiences for the peripheral to catch on with gamers as a whole. If they can, then it'll print money for them and be a major victory considering how poorly Microsoft's own gimmick device, the Kinect, has been incorporated into the Xbox One. Why It Might Not Be: There are a ton of obstacles with this one: amassing a decent library of games so that anyone will want to buy it, the possible headache issues associated with extended play, and the fact that you still need to use a controller to move around.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.